A Groom's Guide to Choose a Wedding Band

While the majority of grooms today are choosing to wear a wedding band, this is a relatively new trend that only really began during World War II when soldiers (especially those fighting overseas) chose to wear them as a reminder of their wives and families at home.

The trend became even more popular in the 1960s and 70s when the fashion for men to wear more jewellery in general took off. But it still took a while to really establish itself as the norm – even in Britain in the 1990s, the concept of men wearing a wedding band was still a little “continental” as the Debrett’s New Guide to Etiquette & Modern Manners announced: “it is customary for the bride alone to sport a wedding ring, and although some brides have adopted the Continental habit of presenting the groom with his own band during the vows, this remains not quite comme il faut.”

Thankfully today it is now more common to wear a ring then not (just ask Prince William who had to explain it was “personal preference” why he wasn’t wearing a wedding band when he married Kate Middleton). But for many grooms, a wedding band is the first piece of jewellery they have ever worn, which is why choosing the right one takes time and patience.

So, to help you with those decisions, here are a few of the questions we ask you to consider when choosing a  wedding band for your groom.

What is your ring size?

We are starting with the easy questions first! Your size can easily be measured by your jeweller but it is worth making sure that you are not too hot or cold as that will affect the size.

What kind of shape do you want to wear?

A simple band, is never just a simple band! There are four classic types of band and in order to find the best one, you need to consider how you’re going to wear it to ensure any ring works for you and your lifestyle:

  • Classic Court: with a rounded interior and exterior, this is the most common and comfortable style
  • D-Shaped: with a flat interior and rounded exterior, this style works well for those with active hobbies and who work with their hands
  • Flat Ring: aren’t great for those with active on hands-on lifestyles as they can get caught on clothes or machinery
  • Flat Court: with a rounded interior edge and flat exterior, these rings give a flat appearance but are more streamlined and less bulky then the flat ring.

What size of Wedding Band Width suits you?

The best way to know how wide you want your wedding ring is to try them on. The most common size is 4mm and above, however there are some grooms who prefer a super-slim 2mm. It really depends on your overall build and size of your hands for what will suit you.

What metal do you want?

Many couples choose to wear either matching or very contrasting metals (e.g. a white gold for him and yellow gold for her). So it is best to have discussed this a pair before you choose which colour to go for.

Plain or Patterned? Shiny or Matte?

The metal can be worked to suit your personal preference – many prefer the subtle brushed metal finish, while other grooms prefer a bit of sparkle. Our Noble Fine Jewellery wedding band collection has both styles and we can always rework the metal once you have started wearing the ring and maybe want to change the finish.

Do I get it engraved?

We always recommend engraving your wedding bands, it really is such a romantic and personal touch and we can easily do this with our goldsmiths during the production process. Many of our clients like to have the wedding date inscribed on the inside, but we have also done the couple’s nicknames for each other as well as quotes.

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